Thursday, August 20, 2009

Entrepreneurs dream 4 Work at Home Moms

Work at Home Moms
Need a change? Tired of not making
money? Looking for leadership? Entrepreneurs dream to help

These People Are Lost And They Desperately Need Your Help...

As we both know, millions of people around the world are losing their jobs right now ...

They've lost their faith in corporate America, they've lost their faith in our government, and they've lost their faith in the financial institutions who were supposed to safe-guard their retirement.

People are waking up to the fact, that the only financial security you can have in this world, is the kind you create for yourself as an entrepreneur.

Which means one thing...

Millions of people are coming into our industry for the very first time looking for hope, and a solution to the brave new world we live in.

But they're scared, and they should be...

Diving into the home business world is over-whelming. It's filled with 1,000's of opportunities, and all kinds of people. Many are honest, some are not. But in the end, all of these people are looking for the same things...

They're looking for someone they can trust.
They're looking for a legitimate business that's not a scam. They're looking for quality training that will teach them how to be successful.
They're looking to plug into a genuine community that cares.

So what are they supposed to do?

Well that's simple... They need to meet great people like you, and we're going to help make that happen.

In fact, we're going to solve all four of the problems above once and for all, starting Rite Now With Our Company is going to take the lead role in the networking industry when it comes to protecting consumers, promoting leaders with integrity, and providing the highest quality Products and training possible. To join our leadership team and lock in your own legacy position,
I encourage you to go through our three step discovery process.

1- Visit
2- Paul Shala 352-301-3001

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Paul Shala National MLM Trainer

Paul Shala National Trainer My Story

Have you ever seen the movie "Joe Versus The Volcano?"

It's the story of a dull and drab man going to work in a dull and drab factory along with a few thousand other dull a drab unfortunates. I remember Joe's office, dingy and grey with a flickering fluorescent light sucking the life out of him. Yet, that's not really who Joe was. Joe longed for light and bright colors - for life.

That was my story. I was Joe.

I remember those days, driving to work in the cold darkness, fighting for a parking spot with the other 5,482 cars in the massive parking lot, trudging up to the building with all the other zombies, trying to rush in without breaking our necks, each of us swiping our cards to get in through the security door at two minutes to seven, racing for the elevator to get to the 5th floor and clock in before being marked 'tardy.' Then, spending the day having every move logged, watched, analyzed and compared.

With Joe, it took him becoming convinced that he was about to die from some strange 'brain fog' for him to make a change and start living life. For me, it was the discovery that I could run my own business from my own home and have control over my own life.

Don't wait for 'brain fog' to set in before making a change. Do it now. Take control of your life.

I did it. And, if I can do it, anybody can do it. I mean, I'm no genius or guru. I'm just me. It's just a mater of a bit of determination and following the proven business plan that I did.

I look forward to showing you how!
In the meantime,visit

Paul Shala 352-301-3001

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Don't Let An Economy In The Dumps Keep You From Getting What You Want.

Work directly with Paul Shala fastest growing team and an industry veteran.
With the economy collapsing around us, and jobs disappearing at rates only seen since the Great Depression, the "Home Based Business" industry has suddenly become the lone island of hope for millions of people around the world. All of these people are hopeful at what our industry can bring into their lives...
I am trying to identify 3 key leaders to assist me in business. The ideal candidate will understand the importance of free enterprise and being in the right place at the right time. Our company is positioned to be the next billion dollar company. Do you keep your business options open? if so

I encourage you to go through our three step discovery process.
1- Visit
2- To find the answers Call 352-301-3001
Paul Shala