Sunday, July 6, 2008

Which MLM Opportunity

Which MLM Opportunity?
By Alvin Narsey
So, you have become an MLM Opportunity Seeker and you have made the decision that you want to change your life. Perhaps you have been introduced to an MLM/Network Marketing Opportunity through a family or friend, or even friend of a friend.Amongst the barrage of information available it can be very confusing in evaluating the Best Work At Home MLM opportunity.
There are so many home based MLM Opportunities out there! Choosing which MLM Business is best for you involves a process which cannot be rushed and must be a decision made amidst all the fog of hype and excitement upon which it may (usually!) be presented.
It would take a hundred pages to got through the steps needed to choosing which MLM Home Business Opportunity to be part of, and indeed there are many books already written on the subject, but I will touch on two essential points which I think are essential in choosing which MLM Opportunity to be part of, and funnily enough, they do not depend on the company itself. Don't get me wrong, the MLM company is important, but the most important aspects of choosing an MLM Opportunity is your WHY and WHO you are going to be working with.
Many of the successful people in Network Marketing will tell you that in order to succeed in your MLM Opportunity, you need to have a strong enough WHY.Why do you want to start a MLM business? Every MLM Opportunity is a challenge if you haven't got a driving force, a solid basis on why you are taking this path. If there is no desire, actually, no Burning Desire, that real forward motivation, you will not succeed in your MLM Opportunity.
Why? Well building a network marketing business is a challenge and a journey. Many times in any journey we face obstacles and minor challenges, and it is our ability to manage these obstacles that allow us to reach our destination, our WHY. In Network Marketing it is easy to get discouraged and give up on your MLM opportunity once you have reached a small hurdle. So, think about WHY you want to be involved in MLM.
Is it to spend more time with your kids? To have the freedom to travel all around the world? To be able to play golf when you want to? To not to have to answer to a Boss? Understanding your desires is the first step in evaluating an MLM Opportunity. The second step is to find WHO you will be working with in building your MLM business. MLM is a new business for many of us, a new way of doing things to what we are accustomed to.
Many times the people who have exposed the MLM business Opportunity are themselves just starting out in the business, hence it is essential we find somebody 'upline' who will help us, train us, coach us, MENTOR us to reach our WHY. MLM is about duplication, duplicating the success of some individual who is successful in a particular MLM Opportunity. By learning the steps in which this MENTOR has built their business, we will be able to build our business in the same way.
This has been a brief overview on choosing an MLM Opportunity, and is just a summary on the factors I consider important in helping people determine which MLM Opportunity is right for them. Choosing which MLM Opportunity paradoxically almost has very little to do with what company you choose but in the dreams and desires you possess and the people who must find who will help you achieve your dreams.

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